Bike Lanes are NOT for Vehicles

January 29, 2020

"I'll just be five minutes"

“I’m just delivering a pizza” 

“There’s nowhere else to park”

“I’m just dropping off a package”

“I’m just waiting for a friend”

No excuses. It’s now illegal to stop your vehicle in a bike lane within the City of Vancouver. Doing so may cost you a nice $200 ticket. 

As of December 10, 2019, the City Council ruled to amend the Street and Traffic By-law to create new regulations for stopping in bike lanes. The updated bylaw 17.2 (l) states:

17.2 “An owner, registered owner, lessee or operator of a vehicle must not cause, allow or
permit that vehicle to stop:

(l) on any portion of a street that is designated for use by persons on
bicycles, non-motorized skates, skateboards, or push scooters”

HUB Cycling’s Vancouver-UBC Local Committee has spent considerable time and energy advocating for this change in the traffic bylaw. The Committee’s Chair, Jeff Leigh, says, “Our committee members have noticed an increased number of vehicles stopping and parking in bike lanes, and with the arrival of ride hailing, we saw the potential for even more dangerous situations. We asked the City of Vancouver to update their bylaw, and are very pleased that they have now done so.”

HUB Cycling and the City of Vancouver look forward to seeing the positive impacts this new bylaw will have on making cycling safer in Vancouver. As an important reminder, if you are a ride-hailing service or taxi driver, please ensure you wait for your passengers in a designated drop-off/pick-up area such as a designated street parking spot, parking lot or parkade - NOT a bike lane.