Bikeability Assessments for Buildings and Workplaces

The quality of people’s experience of getting to a building by bike and using its cycling facilities, is becoming increasingly important for sales marketing, tenant attraction and retention, and employee satisfaction. Cycling is quickly building in popularity, and in the diversity of who is cycling and what kind of bikes they are riding.

HUB Cycling provides all-encompassing Bikeability Assessments of the connections, physical amenities, information provision, policies, incentives, and culture of a planned or existing building.  Our reports provide scoring and guidance on making strategic improvements. 


Our Bike Friendly Building Consulting Team gathers initial data and prepares an assessment framework based on client needs. The assessment includes:

  • Collection of key building information from the client;
  • An on-site visit for a targeted assessment of cycling facilities;
  • Contextual analysis regarding connections to local and regional cycling networks;
  • Analysis of communications, incentives, and culture regarding cycling;
  • Development of a draft report, review with the client;
  • Final report delivery, including in-person / on-line reviews and Q&A.

Our assessments are adaptable to commercial, office, rental, and mixed-use facilities; and are customizable to specific purposes and building development stages.  The scoring framework designates bikeability levels from bronze to platinum, along with recommendations and practical tips for improving your scoring.

Bikeability Assessments include award levels based on the total scoring achieved for specific developments.  The following award levels and associated "badges" may be used by HUB Cycling clients to gain attention for their accomplishments, and they may improve their award level through improvements and targeted re-assessments.


Based on assessment outcomes, HUB Cycling can also provide positive corporate and marketing profiles for buildings through our annual Bike Awards event and our broad network of more than 40,000 supporters. 

To learn more about HUB Cycling's Bike Friendly Building Consulting services, contact